Unit 4, Kingston Farm Industrial Units, Down Hall Road, Harlow, Essex CM17 0RB
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Quality Policy
our quality policy
details on our quality policy?
If you need to know the ins & outs of our company quality policy, then please feel free to read over the policy below.

The following continues to be our Quality Policy and applies to ALL the activities that we undertake and specifically our Quality Management Scope of works which is: The installation, maintenance, and servicing of heating systems, plumbing and drainage systems and the provision of associated tanker services.

Quality Policy Statement- BS EN ISO 9001:2015

As a business we will work to the highest Quality and other Standards relevant to our clients and “other interested parties” interests and requirements. This work will be completed in accordance with our own high expectations and goals, which are:

  • Working in close partnership with our external resources and ensuring Client satisfaction
  • Complying with all legal and other applicable requirements
  • Assurance of a high standard of product and service
  • Offering a complete service that is professional and proactive
  • Consistently and reliably paying all due attention to detail.

To achieve these high expectations and goals The Organisation calls upon its Board Directors and Staff to work in conjunction with the Client to reach the Client’s expectations for each service provided. To meet this commitment, The Organisation will operate under the requirements of a Process-based Quality Management System certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2015 relevant to the nature of our business, and will monitor our programmes of work through regular, procedural review and independent auditing ensuring that appropriate resources and infrastructure are provided, and that roles and authorities are established and communicated throughout the organisation.

We also commit ourselves to continual improvement of the effectiveness of our quality management system and when required, introduce new procedures in a timely manner. We will uphold customer focus through demonstrating leadership and commitment; ensuring that customer requirement and satisfaction are determined and monitored and that risks and opportunities that can affect conformity are determined, understood and are consistently met. We will establish suitable quality objectives and review them to ensure they remain pertinent to our business, by working in close partnership with the organisation’s external resources and consulting and communicating with ourworkforce.

It remains the Organisations belief that in applying the Management Procedures within our Quality System, we will consistently meet the requirements of our customers, stakeholders, employees, and all other interested parties.

Signed: M Hill, October 2021

Document Ref: CP-10, Issue: No: 2, Issue Date: 2021, Approved by: MHI.

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