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How to bleed your radiators
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How to bleed your radiators

If your radiators aren’t heating up as much as they should be, or if they’re cold at the top and warm at the bottom, it’s likely that there’s air trapped inside. To make sure your home can be warm again, you will need to ‘bleed’ your radiators.

Step 1. Turn the heating off and find an old towel you don’t mind getting wet.

Step 2. Locate the bleed valve on your radiator, this is often on the opposite side to the temperature regulator, but it might be on the back, top or bottom depending on the make. Your radiators will also have come with a small key that you will need to use to bleed them. But do not worry if you can’t locate yours as replacements can be purcahsed from DIY stores.

Step 3. Open the bleed valve – Insert the key into the valve and turn it anti-clockwise. Remember to do this gently – it shouldn’t need a full turn, so don’t turn the key too quickly. You should be able to hear the air leaving your radiator, and you know it’s done when water begins to trickle out so make sure you have a towel ready.

Step 4. Once water is coming out of the valve, your work is done and it’s time to close it back up. Use your key to tighten the bleed valve and clean up any spilled water.

Step 5. Before you turn the heating back on, check the water pressure gauge or indicator, which is usually on the front of your boiler. For most boilers, this should be set around the 1 bar. If the pressure is too low your boiler will not switch on and you may need to repressuirse your system.

Step 6. Turn on your boiler / central heating system and crank it up a few notches. Keep an eye on your radiators – you should find that the temperature is now more even thoughout the radiators and that there’s no water leaking from the bleed valves.

Are you back to normal?

If your radiators are back in working order and you do not have a minor leak from the valve then you can give yourself a pat on the back. But if your radiators are still not working as they should be, then they will need further attention from a professional. If you need any help with getting your radiators back in working order, please get in touch with our team, who will be happy to assist.